Change Timezone in Debian server

# date
Mon Sep 17 22:59:24 UTC 2010
# cd /etc
/etc# rm localtime
/etc# ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/
Amsterdam    Berlin       Busingen     Guernsey     Kaliningrad  Luxembourg 
Monaco       Podgorica    San_Marino   Stockholm    Vaduz        Warsaw
Andorra      Bratislava   Chisinau     Helsinki     Kiev         Madrid 
Moscow       Prague       Sarajevo     Tallinn      Vatican      Zagreb
Athens       Brussels     Copenhagen   Isle_of_Man  Lisbon       Malta 
Nicosia      Riga         Simferopol   Tirane       Vienna       Zaporozhye
Belfast      Bucharest    Dublin       Istanbul     Ljubljana    Mariehamn    
Belgrade     Budapest     Gibraltar    Jersey       London       Minsk 
Paris        Samara       Sofia        Uzhgorod     Volgograd   Oslo 
Rome         Skopje       Tiraspol     Vilnius      Zurich   

Here we are changing the timezone to Rome

/etc# ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Rome localtime

/etc# date
Mon Jun 16 15:44:10 CEST 2014


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